In My Own Words

Understanding Toxic Relationships: The Why and The Way Out

Navigating the complexities of relationships can be challenging, especially when they turn toxic. Toxic relationships are not only detrimental to our mental and emotional health but can also have lasting effects on our physical well-being and overall life...

Becoming a Better Version of Yourself: Embracing Positivity and Growth

In our journey through life, the quest for self-improvement and becoming a better version of ourselves is both universal and uniquely personal. It's a path paved with challenges, discoveries, and transformations. Let’s explore the essence of personal growth, drawing...

Embracing Growth Through Tragedy: The Power of Post-Traumatic Growth

In the tender fabric of human existence, we are often woven with threads of tragedy and loss. These experiences, as heart-wrenching as they are, carry within them an unexpected gift – the potential for profound growth and transformation. This concept, known as...

How Our Personal Limits Shape Our Expectations of Others

In life, we often set invisible guidelines based on our personal values, beliefs, and experiences. These guidelines, consciously or subconsciously, become the yardstick by which we measure others' behaviors and actions. It's a human tendency to expect others to live...

Pseudo Coping and Effective Coping: Navigating Emotional Challenges

In our journey through life, we all face challenges that test our emotional resilience. Coping strategies are crucial in these times, helping us manage our mental and emotional health. However, not all coping strategies are created equal. There's a fine line between...

Reframing Self-Destructive Thoughts

We all have an inner voice, a whispering companion of our consciousness. Yet, this voice does not always speak with kindness or guide us gently. For many, it transforms into a relentless critic, sowing seeds of doubt, self-limiting beliefs, and self-destructive...

Stress Reduction For a Better Life

Stress reduction and caring for your central nervous system (CNS), sympathetic nervous system (SNS), parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), and biological rhythms are vital for maintaining overall health and well-being. Stress can quite literally kill you, so when we...

Identifying 5 Types of Abuse

*Trigger Warning: The content in this blog deals with different forms and types of abuse; therefore, the content may be triggering to certain individuals. I offer this as an educational guide to help explain and identify what abuse can look like. If you are...

Styles of Communication

We're all aware of the fundamental importance of communication. It serves as a lifeline for all types of relationships, whether they are intimate, friendly, or professional. However, it's worth noting that not all forms of communication carry the same weight and...